[NTLK] USB-Serial adapter NCX compatibility

Lord Groundhog lordgroundhog at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 13:18:08 EDT 2012

~~~ On 2012/06/20 18:13, Forrest Buffenmyer at newtonphoenix at mindspring.com
wrote ~~~

> Please amend my earlier comment to include just the quoted text, below. I was
> incorrect in my earlier assessment of the 19X.
> Thanks,
> --Forrest

On the subject of ports, I've always wondered if I can use both ports at a
time; e.g., to connect two Newtons to my laptop at once.  And then, maybe to
each other?  I'll need to get another cable to do it, but before that I just
wonder if it's possible.


your Christian

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Life moves at the speed of groundhogs.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ 
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