[NTLK] Participants required for "community" research survey

Lord Groundhog lordgroundhog at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 12:13:28 EDT 2012

~~~ On 2012/03/16 16:02, Grant Hutchinson at grant at splorp.com wrote ~~~

> Hello everyone.
> I little while ago, I was contacted by Maggie Matear, a project researcher and
> PhD candidate at Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario).
> She asked if the NewtonTalk community would be interested in helping her
> collect data for her thesis on the topic of "Characteristics of Community
> Members".
> I thought ... why not?

You didn't mention to her that we're a geeky end-of-the-world blood-drinking
cult, did you?  :-)

Actually it could be interesting if enough of us participate.



~~~ ~~~ ~~~

³Any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from a Newton.²
            -- ref.:  Arthur C. Clarke

(With thanks to Chod Lang)

~~~ ~~~ ~~~
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