[NTLK] Participants required "community" research survey
Jon Glass
jonglass at usa.net
Mon Mar 19 02:11:04 EDT 2012
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 5:30 AM, Ed Kummel <tech_ed at yahoo.com> wrote:
> chuma
> cstephens
> gmoody
> grant
> Ed Kummel
> Laurent Daudelin
> Rich Lindsay
> Mark Rollins
> mmailand
> Paul Guyot
> Robert Benschop
> T Tempel
> What I find truly amazing is that a remarkable number of these people
> still show up from time to time on this list/community.
And some of them, sadly, have completely disappeared. mmailand
(Marco--German bloke) good with hardware and software, IIRC, was quite
capable. Paul, as we all know, was probably the greatest genius.
TTempel--isn't the the guy who did the IR stuff? Rich was an interesting
bloke, and one of the few NTLKers who I've met in real life. The other was
Paul Zenk, who may actually still be a member on the list. Paul and Rich
were quite active in getting hardware into folks hands. Mark Rollins still
seems to have his newt site up: <http://www.mrollins.com/newton.html> He
did lots of hacks. The other guys are a bit hazier in my mind, but software
is what I think they mostly did. Somehow, the guys who hacked and mucked
with hardware stick out more in my mind. ;-) Some truly great minds and
guys in that list. Thanks for the memories.
-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland
<jonglass at usa.net>
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