[NTLK] Samsung Note II w/stylus reviewed
Michael Hurley
mephit at mac.com
Mon Oct 8 17:08:32 EDT 2012
On Oct 8, 2012, at 2:29 AM, Matthias Melcher wrote:
> And now that my eyes get worse and worse and can barely read the funnies in the morning, what do they do? They invent the retina display. Great! I can;t see individual pixels on a *regular* screen. Why would I need four times the resolution? MMmmMmmGrummmbleMoan.
The point is to make the screen high enough resolution to not see the pixels at all so that elements' edges are clearer, transitions between elements are smoother-looking and overall to make things look more like they're on a printed page. The fact that the elements displayed on said screen are too small to see clearly has nothing whatsoever to do with that screen's resolution. It has everything to do with software. Either system settings, application settings or programming choices. Complaining about the screen's physical resolution is pointless. Complain about the programming that says item x must be y pixels by z pixels and can never be altered.
Version: 3.1.2
GAT/FA/IT/CM d- s:+ a C+++ U*++ P--- L+ E-- W++ N+ o+ K++ w--- O+
M++ V+ PS+ PE- Y+ PGP- t++ 5++ X++ R++ tv- b++++ DI++ D--- G e* h- r+++ y++**
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