[NTLK] Einstein and Xcode 4

Matthias Melcher mm at matthiasm.com
Wed Sep 5 04:56:47 EDT 2012

This drives me nuts!

I just had the one Eureka moment I was waiting for: how to move Einstein from being an Emulator (slow, interpreting the ROM, inflexible) piece by piece to become a simulator (running native code at full speed, rebuilding the OS, being copyright free).

And then this: using the newest version of Xcode, Einstein barely compiles, and if it does, it will not run beyond the boot sound anymore. WTF? It's Apples idiotic pressure on developers to always use the newest API, so our apps become incompatible to older hardware. 

Anyway, end of rambling, start of question: can anyone help me to get Einstein back to life using Xcode 4.4.1? If so, I would love to implement Fibers to acheive the jump to simulation.

- Matthias

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