[NTLK] Newton 20th Anniversary...
Matthias Melcher
mm at matthiasm.com
Wed Aug 7 03:00:10 EDT 2013
Awesome! This reminds me so much of the time when I worked in movie special effects, which was - not a bit incidental - in the 90ies when I bought my first MesssagePad.
We had very similar byproducts of our movie obsession, were likely as overworked and under the same pressure for deadlines. But we had our own crew t-shirts made, had team photos, had models of the stuff we were building (Titanic at that time), toys, DVDs, etc. . In retrospect of course, it was a great time. Back then, we were *taht* group of guys in L.A. with pale skin that had not seen any sunlight in months... .
Congrats on having been able to get a 20 year reunion going. I would have loved to be the second fly on the wall.
Oh, and of course, nudge nudge hint hint, any material that anyone may still have laying around, any paper work, floppies, copies, CDs, zip disks, tape backups, anything that helps us to get Einstein into perfection, please don't throw it away, throw it *our* way ;-)
- Matthias
On 07.08.2013, at 03:28, Maurice Sharp <msharp at mac.com> wrote:
> Tchao said because of the product placement. I do remember we were excited by the placement at the time.
> Of course it could have been a foreshadow...
> M
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 6, 2013, at 5:54 PM, Rod Lavington <rodlavo at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Maurice,
>> To be a fly on the wall at that reunion! Hope everyone enjoyed catching up
>> after many years. Thank you for the photos!
>> Out of interest, was the Under Seige DVD because of Newton product
>> placement or how the team felt when Steve returned? :)
>> Cheers
>> Rod
>> --
>> Sent from Rod's Note 10.1 (wishing it was more Newton-like)
>>> On 07/08/2013 8:45 AM, "Maurice Sharp" <msharp at mac.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Folks,
>>> Hard to believe but Newton was announced 20 years ago. As part of that, a
>>> bunch of the team got together yesterday at an undisclosed but tasty and
>>> thirst quenching location. No, it was not to fire up the project again, but
>>> to reminisce and see how we all are doing 20 years later.
>>> Even John Sculley was there :-)
>>> Part of the fun included a some memorabilia and I thought this group may
>>> like to share the view:
>>> https://www.dropbox.com/sc/l1hrkfhxhx9ttab/Id76VcHRBk
>>> Maurice Sharp
>>> ex-Newton DTS Engineer
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