[NTLK] Syncing Calendars

Morgan Aldridge morgant at makkintosshu.com
Tue Aug 13 14:45:27 EDT 2013

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 1:58 PM, Noah Leon <moosefuel at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for the replies. I'll see what I can figure out in terms of a
> manual workflow, but I would like to know, is it really difficult to write
> code to sync between the newt and apple's sync services? I wish I were a
> coder, but all I'm really good at is AppleScript.

It should be doable, but the biggest problem is the difference in data
storage formats & fields between the Newton & Mac-side. Since many
fields may have to be converted/truncated and/or put into different
fields, it can be difficult to do consistently. Sync is notorious for
this problem, in general. Add to that the fact that Apple's Sync
Services lean more towards BlueTooth and such, we'd have to add
protocols to the Newton (plus, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think
Sync Services may be deprecated at this point).

nSync used to support much of this and few people tried to improve it,
but I don't think they ever got it to a point where they felt it was
worth pursuing. And, that was quite a number of years ago.


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