[NTLK] MPW simulator to run ARM6asm etc.

Matthias Melcher mm at matthiasm.com
Sat Jul 20 08:53:14 EDT 2013

On 20.07.2013, at 13:46, Morgan Aldridge <morgant at makkintosshu.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 6:36 AM, Matthias Melcher <mm at matthiasm.com> wrote:
>> At the minuscule chance that someone has don something like this before: I want to run the Newton MPW tools directly from the OS X command line. In the Windows world, there is 'Wine' which does osmething for MSWindows programs, and in the Mac/OS X world, there is Classix, which does this with Mac PPC programs.
>> Unfortunately, some of the Newton tools are still m68k only. There is also Executor , but the source code is over 15 years old and impossible to compile on OS X ML. Neither does it seem to simulate the MPW environment, but "only" the graphics environment.
>> Has anyone ever heard of what I am looking for?
> How about Paul Guyot's `toolserver` <http://www.kallisys.com/>? While
> his site really only has brief descriptions and download links
> anymore, the description on MacUpdate
> <https://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/15387/toolserver(1)> is as follows:
>    "toolserver(1) is a command line program to invokeToolServer and
> to execute MPW tools.
>    For example, thanks to toolserver(1), you can use PowerPC and 68K
> MPW C/C++ compilers with GNU Make or Xcode. You can also use GNU Make
> to compile native code of Newton packages, such as LPR Driver.
>    [...]
>    PPC, Mac OS 9.2.2 or later, CarbonLib, MPW with ToolServer. Source
> code can be compiled with Xcode (I used v2.0)"
> It was originally written for Mac OS X on PPC with a Classic
> environment, but maybe there's some way to patch it to work with other
> emulation environments.

Ah, yes, I tried that. Toolserver works on the local machine only. The Mac Classic environment by Apple must be running at the same time on the same machine. Apple though dropped Classic support quite a while ago. I would have to get my old PPC with OS X 10.3 out to make that work.

It also needs a full installation of MPW, a quite threatening toolbox ;-)

Thank you for the hint though!

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