[NTLK] NEWT/0 set-aref bug

Matthias Melcher mm at matthiasm.com
Mon Dec 22 15:13:57 EST 2014

> On Dec 17, 2014, at 11:53 AM, Simon Bell <simonbell at me.com> wrote:
>> On 16 Dec 2014, at 22:13, Matthias Melcher <mm at matthiasm.com> wrote:
>> technical question first: Simon, what's the status of your awesome work? Did you manage to port the code over to Intel, or better yet, make it processor agnostic?
> My Newton framework is the core of NCX so yes, it is little-endian. Should still be big-endian too if compiled for the right target but I don’t do regression testing so I can’t be sure. Currently I am working on a 64-bit version. That means 64-bit Refs, which solves the 2010 time-in-seconds problem. You can take a sneak preview of the 64-bit NCX 2.1 at <http://newtonresearch.org/connection/NCX21.zip> It is built for Mac OS X Yosemite. Still a bit flaky; frequently crashes on startup but if you get past that stage seems to be okay. (Until you inspect lots of soup entries and fill the VBO pages which are not GC’d properly yet.)

Oh, ok, sure! 

64 bit Ref's, that would be fantastic! Finally some arbitrarily sized memory regions and other constructs.

I wonder if we can finally find some way to connect NCX to Einstein, preferably via a simulated Ethernet connection That would make synchronization possible for all Einstein devices on all platforms.

> Also working on a yet-another-NTK app which I use as a NewtonScript playground. The NewtonScript bytecode I posted before is copied from that. I had this mad idea of updating the NewtonScript compiler using LLVM to target both bytecode and native code. It’s serendipity that Matej discovered the set-aref anomaly in NEWT/0 just when I was in a position to test my own version.

You must have recoded 50% of the OS by now. Isn' there a way to link your work with the generated code from Einstein? We would have a complete OS if the user provides a ROM.


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