[NTLK] [Newtontalk] [ADMIN] Mailing list "welcome" messages

Dan dan at dbdigitalweb.com
Thu Jan 9 11:38:24 EST 2014

I had posted a message in response to Grant's mentioning that the
subject tags had been changed from [NTLK] to [Newontalk].  He mentioned
that when they did the change over, they also reset the all the list
settings to default.  In his words "Argh."  It also sent my previous
message directly instead of to the list, which it should have. :/

He has already fixed the tags, the reply to, and I am sure the rest will
follow.  In short, Grant is banging it back into shape.  :)


On 1/9/2014 11:03 AM, John Stone wrote:
> I was on digest and am getting individual message now.....
> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 10:31 AM, Dennis Swaney <romad at aol.com> wrote:
>> I'm testing it out, Grant, because yesterday the new email had a different
>> password listed. Let me see if this post is rejected by the list.
>> Sincerely,
>> Dennis B. Swaney
>> On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 9:31 PM, Grant Hutchinson <grant at splorp.com> wrote:
>>> Hello everyone.
>>> You may have received a "Welcome to the Newtontalk mailing list" message
>>> earlier today.
>>> This was a surprise to me as well, seeing as I didn't instigate the
>>> sending of these message (and we're already members of the list).
>>> It turns out that the NewtonTalk hosting account at Media Temple is being
>>> transitioned from the previous account owner (Bill Shamam) and over to
>> me.
>>> This is a good thing, but for some reason, moving the hosting plan to a
>> new
>>> account triggers a bunch of service resets (including one for our mailing
>>> list). As far as I can tell, this change shouldn't make any difference to
>>> the operation of the list.
>>> Sorry for the confusion.
>>> g.
>>> ......................................................................
>>> Grant Hutchinson
>>> NewtonTalk List Dad & Web Custodian
>>> http://splorp.com/newton
>>> http://newtontalk.net
>>> http://newted.org
>>> http://npds.info
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