[NTLK] [Newtontalk] [ADMIN] Mailing list "welcome" messages

Örjan Larsson orjan at sm4tfe.com
Thu Jan 9 13:40:44 EST 2014

9 jan 2014 kl. 17:31 skrev Grant Hutchinson <grant at splorp.com>:

> However, nearly every setting for the mailing list software was reset to its defaults.

Can only add "me too" , too , from Sweden. Had the list in digest-mode, like some other mailinglist I am on, but suddenly my inbox got crazy with messegaes about Newton.

A nice reminder, but hope its possible to put me on digest mode again, or give out the instruction how to fix it myself

from middle of Sweden, without snow right now...

Orjan Larsson
Karlstad, Sweden

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