[NTLK] Suggested Laptop for Newton programming

Morgan Aldridge morgant at makkintosshu.com
Mon Mar 17 13:23:09 EDT 2014

On Monday, March 17, 2014, Lord Groundhog <lordgroundhog at gmail.com> wrote:

> ~~~ On 2014/03/17 12:47, Daniel Coughlin at cidisguise at gmail.com<javascript:;>wrote ~~~
> > Curses, hit the send button instead of discard. That said, while I'm
> here, I
> > will note that I feel it would be more inconvenient to carry a serial
> adapter
> > for a Pismo than leaving a few cards in the side of a Wallstreet for USB
> and
> > WiFi. YMMV.
> Interesting thought, but I didn't think the Wallstreet could read PCMCIA
> cards formatted for the Newton.  The PCMCIA slots in my Pismos won't read
> from my Newtons.

 I think he meant that since the Wallstreet PowerBook G3 had built-in
serial, you wouldn't need to carry around the adapter. That said, the
PowerBooks should be able to read (bit for bit) the linear flash cards, but
you can't interact with them in any other way without someone developing
additional software on the Mac side.


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