[NTLK] Summertime Newton Update

Dan dan at dbdigitalweb.com
Fri Aug 21 19:45:25 EDT 2015

I still use mine.  Granted not as much as I should/want but I still do.  :)

With regard to turn it on and use it, my android tablet is instant on.
Although I do have to slide over the button so it unlocks so not quite
as instant as our newts, but close.  Where our newts blow everything
else out of the water though...battery life.  I can get weeks of good
use out of a set of AA batteries.  Compared to a day, perhaps two with a
standard tablet.  Much less if you stream video on it.

When I am away from my desk for long periods I use my newtons for
writing.  Can't beat the battery life.  Emate works great for this, but
then so does my 2100 with keyboard and handstand case. :)  Add to that
thewritestuff apps and dictionary and you have a sweet little portable
writing studio that can go for days without power worry.


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