[NTLK] The Oasis-NDPS Server July 12, 2015

Sylvain Pilet pilets at mac.com
Sun Jul 12 14:53:30 EDT 2015

Hi Greg,

The Good WaveLan Driver (unlooked version) is here :
The driver only : <http://message-pad.net/NPDS/Packages/LucentWaveLAN.pkg>
Sources code : <http://www.unna.org/unna/drivers/ethernet/WiFi/NewtonWaveLAN_source.zip>

The good version of NPDS-Watcher is 1.1a1 here :
Or same on NPDS Page : <http://npds.free.fr/modules/npdswatcher/NPDS-Watcher-1.1a1.pkg>

For the notes on NotePad, just create notes (only text, not drawing format) and put the notes in the "Personal" folder.
See capture : <http://message-pad.net//NPDS/GREG-NOTES_Personal.jpg>

Best regards,

Sylvain Pilet

- A P P L E  N E W T O N -
- Apple Newton NPDS Server: http://www.message-pad.no-ip.org
- Apple Newton NPDS Tracker: http://www.message-pad.no-ip.org:3680

Le 12 juil. 2015 à 19:11, Greg Goodwin <drclu at swbell.net> a écrit :

> 	Thanks to input from people I figured out on the 3Com 3CCCE589ET wired cards I am averaging about 4-5 hours.  With NDPS Watcher it hard crashes at that point.
> 	And true, a lot of this Sylvain has shared his experience on.
> 	So with that I am working with some Lucent Silver and Turbo Silver cards.  I could swear I had these working before under DHCP once before, but now working for a manual and set IP address.  I think when I last had this I arranged ... yes, I think I used a Airport with a open network link.  That must have been how that worked.  Could still do that again I suppose.  But to get a WEP setup I guess it requires a registered driver.  I have written Hiroshi with the e-mail address I could find (ngc at ff.iij....jp) and at least so far that e-mail has not come back.
> 	Set the server up again today.  I am trying out the wired card in the meantime, with the NDPS Tracker with the Owner Information set.  And still working on getting a Lucent Silver card working.
> 	One simplier question if nothing else: I have noticed that these pages have the area where people can leave messages on the notepad, and then I see where you have "posts".  How it looks on my site...
> Notes in my Notepad:
> No Files Available
> Notes Posted Via the WWW:
> Hi world
> 	Where do you put (or how is it defined) where the "Notes in the Notepad" are?
> 	Thanks in advance,
> 	Doc Clu
> On Jul 11, 2015, at 7:13 PM, Greg Goodwin wrote:
>> Awesome.  Looks like the Newton was up this time from 1till 5 cst at least.  A new record!   
>> I've got the Watcher program going on it now.  Probably follow Sylvain's advice and get a wireless card going at some point since they are known to be more reliable.
>> But I think the NDPS Tracker caused the server to crash more often.
>> On Jul 11, 2015, at 2:43 PM, Doug Denby wrote:
>>> Worked at 3:42 July 11, EST.
>>> Doug
>>>> On Jul 11, 2015, at 11:36 AM, Greg Goodwin <drclu at swbell.net> wrote:
>>>> Ok, found out the new internal IP, got everything setup it is online with NPDS Watcher.  We'll see how it goes.
>>>> The tracker is relentless... I think will actually give up on that part.  Tried all the trackers URLs, and my own information both URL and IP.  Don't want my Newton on your trackers... fine!
>>>> And at worst, to show that it actually did work, if only for an hour, I have it internet archived!  :D
>>>> https://web.archive.org/web/20150711152108/http://oasisnewt.ddns.net:8080/html/index.html
>>>> There we go.
>>>> Doc Clu
>>>> On Jul 11, 2015, at 9:52 AM, Greg Goodwin wrote:
>>>>> After tinkering with the Newton, adding apps, now when the ethernet connects I can't even find it on the local network.
>>>>> Yep, ran out of "wanna do this" juice.   Maybe I'll get sparked back up later, but man, after seven months of this running flawlessly on a local basis and then maybe two hours of it working worldwide?  Blah.
>>>>> Doc Clu
>>>>> On Jul 10, 2015, at 10:55 AM, Tony Kan wrote:
>>>>>> Sorry, not working when I tried.
>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>> Tony
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: newtontalk-bounces at newtontalk.net
>>>>>> [mailto:newtontalk-bounces at newtontalk.net] On Behalf Of Cecelia Sullivan
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, July 10, 2015 7:20 PM
>>>>>> To: newtontalk at newtontalk.net
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [NTLK] New Newton Server
>>>>>> It works!
>>>>>> Woo!
>>>>>> On Jul 9, 2015, at 11:30 PM, Greg Goodwin <drclu at swbell.net> wrote:
>>>>>>> Alright, I have Anonomoused this and the new server seems to be working
>>>>>> at:
>>>>>>> http://oasisnewt.ddns.net:8080
>>>>>>> Thanks to Sylvain Pilet for guiding me through this, as well as Tony Kan,
>>>>>> Morgan Aldridge, and Cecelia Sullivan.   Would not have been possible
>>>>>> without your input.
>>>>>>> Doctor Clu
>>>>>> [snip]
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