[NTLK] It's 2015. How do I open .nwt files?

Simon Bell simonbell at me.com
Fri Jun 26 05:22:29 EDT 2015

> On 25 Jun 2015, at 22:52, Dave Mee <davemee at gmail.com> wrote:
> how the heck do I do anything with a .NWT on a contemporary Yosemite Mac, or indeed anything else?

Ah, .nwt files. That takes me back.

As I remember it, they represent what you are mailing from your Newt in Newton Streamed Object Format (NSOF) so that another Newton user could see exactly what you sent, not just the plain text. So not much use outside the Newton environment.

You could view a NewtonScript (text) representation of the NSOF if you had a suitable app. Which I just happen to have, and I could send you if you’re interested. But all you’d see is something like:

{class: 'paperroll, 
 data: [{#01B211DD}, 
 viewStationery: 'paperroll, 
 height: 552, 
 _version: 2, 
 timeStamp: 52716536, 
 labels: 'personal, 
 _uniqueId: 1, 
 _modTime: 53296554}

Getting drawings off the Newt is trickier than text. I would favour NCX over Mail — and I think I can speak with some authority since I’m responsible for both! You can use the NCX screenshot function, of course. NCX can export Notes, NewtWorks and NewtPaint sketches and pictures (although ink sketches are not always 100% accurate), but it needs to know the format, and there are several in Newton. I’d be happy to work with you to get a particular format exported if you like.


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