[NTLK] iosEinstein help please

Matthias Melcher mm at matthiasm.com
Mon Mar 9 02:51:28 EDT 2015

Yes, exactly. Or you must jailbreak the device. This is the reason why I stoppoed developing for iOS. I don't see why I should oay to run my own software on my own device. And selling Einstein for iOS through the Apple Store - even if we sold it for 0.00$ - is not possible because Aplle STor clearly states that iOS apps must not be similar to any Apple product. That's quite hard to avoid for a simulator.

> On Mar 9, 2015, at 6:06 AM, Bob Carls Dudney <kosmicdollop at saber.net> wrote:
> You mean I’d have to pay $99 annually to keep running Einstein on iPad?
> Yikes!
> Steven Frank <stevenf at panic.com> wrote:
>> But to run anything on the device, you'll need a codesigning certificate from Apple's developer program ($99 per year).  The Xcode project must be configured to sign the build with that certificate.  You'll also need a provisioning file installed on the device that includes the hardware ID of the device and the bundle ID of the app you will be installing.
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