[NTLK] Wifi Drivers Update

BILL MOSER billmoser51 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 14:17:34 EDT 2015

>Somebody suggested that someone on NewtonTalk updated/modded Hiroshi's
drivers to, at a minimum, search available wifi networks.

In case this ever happens: I think Hiroshi's driver is just a port of a
UNIX driver (FreeBSD?). Porting the wifi selection software or anything
else shouldn't be any more difficult.

I'll also throw out there that some old DVD players came with 16 bit
(pre-Cardbus) 802.11g wifi cards. Heck, even some cardbus cards will work
in old 16 bit slots. My old Thinkpad 760 will run b & g cards, but not n
cards. I imagine the Newton 2100 would do the same.

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