[NTLK] Syntax highlighting for NewtonScript

Jake Bordens jake at allaboutjake.com
Mon Nov 23 20:43:18 EST 2015

Hehe, Coda and BBEdit are pretty much the only editors that I don't already own.

I'll add converting the syntax files to my list of things to do someday.  Thanks for the pointers.

On 11/23/15, 8:32 PM, "newtontalk-bounces at newtontalk.net on behalf of Morgan Aldridge" <newtontalk-bounces at newtontalk.net on behalf of morgant at makkintosshu.com> wrote:

>On Monday, November 23, 2015, Jake Bordens <jake at allaboutjake.com> wrote:
>> Its a long shot, but does anyone happen to have NewtonScript syntax
>> highlighting rules for TextMate or Sublime Text?
>I'm not familiar with one for TexMate or Sublime Text, but would like to be
>I wrote one for SubEthaEdit/Coda which you're welcome to port:
>  <https://github.com/morgant/NewtonScriptMode>
>Simon Bell also wrote one for BBEdit/TextWrangler:
>  <https://github.com/newtonresearch/newtonscript-clm>

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