[NTLK] Newton on The Register
Bob Carls Dudney
kosmicdollop at saber.net
Tue Apr 5 03:23:05 EDT 2016
Joost, you make good points. I would put it a bit differently, that Apple has consistently better imagined new possibilities and delivered more innovation in personal computing than their rivals. That of course includes handheld stuff.
They have also maintained generally higher quality and reliability standards in all they do compared to the rest of the industry. Although I’d still like to kick Jobs in the balls for killing Newton, I’ve stuck with Apple because it’s the best for what I need.
you wrote:
> On 4 Apr 2016, at 21:37 , Matej Horvat <matej.horvat at guest.arnes.si> wrote:
>> This was published on April 1 (for Apple's 40th anniversary):
>> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/04/01/apple_fools_40th_anniversary/?page=5
> A halfway positive comment on the Newton is a rarity in and of itself, so I’ll have to hand them credit for that. But they still got it mostly wrong. The Newton was merely the first manifestation of the “Knowledge Navigator” concept that originated at Apple. And it was publicly available information. And yet no-one outside Apple ever saw the value in it. And then the iPhone caught them with their pants down. Everyone pointed and laughed at the Newton “fiasco” and no-one realised that it would come back and be a raving success in a new form. That, my friends, is the real lesson to be learnt from forty years of Apple: they know what they’re doing and the rest are mostly just surfing their waves.
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