[NTLK] NPDS 2.x Stability (Oasis NPDS/Downtime)

Sylvain Pilet pilets at mac.com
Sat Feb 13 12:01:21 EST 2016

Hi Dr Clu,
and all,

Ostensibly the crash seem random, but it seems not!
- There are two different crashes:
-> The NPDS Server crash
-> The Newton crash (and/or Newton's Internet connection)
The first crash can be solved (almost 100%) by NPDS-Watcher
For the latter, it is more delicate.
- Either NPDS-Watcher detects that the Server does not. In this case NPDS-Watcher will reboot the Newton.
-> Case 1: The Internet connection works from the start of Newton. In this case the NPDS server operates again.
-> The second case, the Internet connection starts from startup Newton, but the connection is not made into reality. In this case the NPDS Server will act as if the connection was good. From there, everything will go wrong…
On my first Newton NPDS is the mistake that almost happens every time (no reality connected). 
Despite that, this Newton takes it up to 3 days.

I'm doing stabilities tests.
I moment there are three, NPDS that work.
One of them “NPDS Work Design Template“ <http://message-pad.no-ip.org:2100/> Works already more than 12 days without attempting to restart the Newton!
And the last restart NPDS is over two days.

But all is not so simple.
Because sometimes it's really the NDPS server unresponsive, though, internet connection works. 
NPDS sometimes unresponsive, but such a "ping" on Newton IP address returns a valid response!

I will continue to do tests, and would keep you informed.

I go to prepare a article for the best settings & packages to choose for optimizing NPDS.

Best regards


Sylvain Pilet

- A P P L E  N E W T O N -
- Apple Newton NPDS Server: http://www.message-pad.no-ip.org
- Apple Newton NPDS Tracker: http://www.message-pad.no-ip.org:3680

Le 13 févr. 2016 à 13:54, Doctor Clu <drclu at swbell.net> a écrit :

> In the last year I was excited about getting my Newton Server to not stay dead but wake itself back up with the Watcher routine.   Now it is probably time to get things working a bit better.
> On Pete G’s site he has the Newton operating without crashing for generally about 2 to 3 days at a time.  Me, my Newton routine crashes every hour on the hour.  :D
> I did a little script where I loaded my server remotely and took a snapshot every minute.  Yep, could have ran a crash log, but I am still learning this stuff.  :P
> The results of the test were:
> 10:35 am Up
> And…. well… after reviewing about 280 (last shot at around 3:30 pm) screenshots, my Newton did not crash.  Apparently when it is being poked repeatedly it stays awake.
> Anyway, in the past my Newton had crash for about 20 minutes at the top of the hour.  What are the more optimal settings you all have found that helps those crash times become less and less?
> Doctor Clu
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