[NTLK] Can't connect my Newtons...

"Piotrowski Paweł (Newton)" newton at indigi.co.uk
Sun May 22 13:02:47 EDT 2016

I’m not sure about this, because I have manual IP (static, always the same) and MAC addresses are the same. So, nothing change in configuration. I had even MAC address assigned to IP address and I had this problem before… Still I didn’t discover details about it, but my conclusion is there is problem with WiFi <-> AP communication sometimes.

Best regards,
Pawel Piotrowski

NPDS Server: http://applenewton.co.uk (powered by Newton 2100)
NPDS Tracker Server: http://tracker.applenewton.co.uk:3680 (powered by Raspberry Pi)

On 22 May 2016, at 16:04, Dan <dan at dbdigitalweb.com> wrote:

> Very interesting and thanks for sharing.  I suspect it has something to
> do with the MAC addresses.  The Apple Time Capsule assigns the address
> though DHCP it "hangs on" to that configuration even after the device
> disappears.  My thought is the newton tries to get assigned a new
> address and the time capsule says "no you are this...." and they have a
> disagreement.  But when you change the cards, it changes the MAC and
> hence the time capsule thinks you have a totally new device, and
> releases the old address.  Then you swap back to the original card which
> does this reset again allowing the original setup to be used.
> -Dan
> On 5/22/2016 6:13 AM, Piotrowski Paweł (Newton) wrote:
>> It’s me again ;)
>> I think is good to put here info about source of problem and my solution (for posterity):
>> I detected that the whole problem was generated by my WiFi card (Intel PRO/Wireless 2011) and AP (Apple Time Capsule 1st generation). Probably both devices do not understand each other sometimes, and at the end AP don’t give proper info about DNS to WiFi card.
>> I observe, that problem show up, when I turn off Newton for longer period. When Newtons work everyday, everything is fine.
>> Solution: When problem show up, I just changed WiFi card in one of Newton (I have couple Lucent cards too) for a second, initiate connection and then shut down connection. After this silly intervention I went back to the Intel WiFi card. And voilà! All Newtons back and working fine ;)
>> Best regards,
>> Pawel Piotrowski
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