[NTLK] NPDS 2.5!

Sylvain Pilet pilets at mac.com
Thu May 26 21:29:53 EDT 2016

Hi everybody,

I solved the spam problem on NPDS…
There are two days I had proposed to Greg (Doc Clu OASIS-NPDS a javascript-based solution, but it has managed to block spammers.
So I did otherwise I reused the password “Client“ option, which is in the settings for NDPS setup, but was not actually used in the current version of NDPS. And it works! The spammers-Bot fail to pass :-)

In order to make effective protection must be set (in NPDS Setup) the Random option for “Client“, and password changes regularly.

After 24 hours of use, the OASIS has not received spam, then he received hundreds a day!

I would integrate this option in the next version of NDPS (which I am doing, but be a little patient!)

The next version will be a new HTML/CSS Design.
I do not think I succeed in making a responsive layout version on this next release (it takes too much of implemented server-side resource) but it will still be less crude than the last.
There will be some additions in this version (including the "no-spam")


Sylvain Pilet

- A P P L E  N E W T O N  N P D S -
- Apple Newton NPDS Server: http://message-pad.no-ip.org
- Apple Newton NPDS Tracker: http://message-pad.no-ip.org:3680

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