[NTLK] [OT] Attention Mac LC Users: Quantum ProDrive ELS Going Rotten Anytime Soon

Vladislav Korotnev vladkorotnev at gmail.com
Sun Apr 16 12:37:14 EDT 2017

Not quite much important info there, probably the most valuable being my doodles in Kid Pix from back when I was 3 or so, or the software installed.

The problem is finding spare HDDs these days.

I removed the caps but it won’t work — it spins up, does nothing with the heads and spins down. 
However: (Do not I said do not repeat this at home unless you have a cleanroom to spare and don’t even think of doing that on the modern high density HDDs)
If I remove the top cover of the HDD and after it spins up, release the white plastic lock and push the head out with my fingers (careful, don’t apply vertical force or you scratch the platter and boom) — it does the usual happy clickety thing and boots and works fine afterwards whatsoever.

Probably without the caps (I tried 10uF ones but maybe that’s too small?) it can’t push them off from parking area, and the rotten traces on the PCB aren’t helping. I’ll get bigger ones tomorrow and test again.

// Ak.R.

iOS/Mac/Windows & Web developer
Vaporwave/ambient producer, sound/video engineer

Genjitsu Gadget Lab Member 001

On 16 Apr 2017, at 21:30 , Doctor Clu <drclu at swbell.net> wrote:

> Well, I wouldn’t call you a shithead, I would simply say just have a backup.
>> On Apr 16, 2017, at 1:29 AM, Vladislav Korotnev <vladkorotnev at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> So I have this Macintosh LC II for an occasional game with friends of mine, and it used to work fine last summer, but then sometime in December it wouldn’t boot. 
>> I was quite busy with things so I had to put off the repair. Oh how I wish I didn’t.
>> Realizing it boots fine with an HDD from Mac Classic I took the original HDD out of it’s cage and look:
>> https://pp.userapi.com/c626617/v626617119/59abb/Tk3CpSV76AM.jpg
>> If you don’t see it:
>> https://pp.userapi.com/c626617/v626617119/59aa9/E_98jRXPy5c.jpg
>> Yup, there are electrolytic caps on that board! (who the hell designed it that way must have been thinking of planned obsolence way too ahead)
>> Don’t be a shithead like me, check your Macs and keep your data safe :-)
>> // Ak.R.
>> iOS/Mac/Windows & Web developer
>> Vaporwave/ambient producer, sound/video engineer
>> Genjitsu Gadget Lab Member 001
>> http://genjit.su
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