[NTLK] NetTime for 711000

Sylvain Pilet pilets at mac.com
Sun Feb 5 19:56:33 EST 2017

Ok I see better now.
So you just want to add an auto-sync checkbox that disables (if unchecked) the automatic sync that is already in the code?

Sylvain Pilet

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Le 6 févr. 2017 à 01:26, Jake Bordens <jake at allaboutjake.com> a écrit :

>> Going back to the original subject of your post.
>> You wish to add an "Auto-Sync" button like on the ’98 version of NetTime (of which one no longer knows
>> where it comes from, if I understood correctly).
>> I just have a question/suggestion, this Auto-Sync would be made to it frequency? 
>> It might be good to put in addition a picker with several choices (1H, 6H, 12H, 24H, 1D, 1W, 1M). What do
>> you think ?
> Auto-sync is the default behavior of the app. It syncs automatically whenever a network connection is started.
> I added the “sync now button” which allows you to force a sync for the first time or on demand.
> The checkbox lets you disable the auto sync behavior, making it completely manual.
> Jake
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