[NTLK] Einstein on Ubuntu Linux: It's Alive!

Morgan Aldridge morgant at makkintosshu.com
Fri Jan 20 09:13:58 EST 2017

And many thanks to you, Steven, for getting these fixes applied & tested!
(And Matthias, Jake et al for their major contributions as well!)


On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 19:43 Steven Frank <stevenf at panic.com> wrote:

> I'm pleased to report that the changes I recently implemented to get
> Einstein running on the Raspberry Pi were also useful for restoring the
> Linux build to a working state.
> Einstein will now build and run on Ubuntu 16.04.1.  Here's the obligatory
> screenshot:
> http://stevenf.com/gfx/einstein-ubuntu.png <
> http://stevenf.com/gfx/einstein-ubuntu.png>
> Detailed and current Ubuntu bring-up-from-nothing instructions can be
> found on this page:
> https://github.com/pguyot/Einstein/wiki/Build-Instructions <
> https://github.com/pguyot/Einstein/wiki/Build-Instructions>
> (Previous Unix and cross-compile instructions have been moved to their own
> page "Legacy Build Instructions", as they are unmaintained and their status
> is unknown.)
> The Ubuntu build has some issues.  I noticed, for example, that the typing
> on the keyboard sent the wrong keycodes to the Newton, so as you can see in
> the screenshot, I used the onscreen keyboard instead.  :)  But, it builds
> and runs, which is an improvement over the previous state of affairs. :)
> I hope this allows more developers to jump on board in the future.  I'll
> do my best to occasionally give the Ubuntu build a try and make sure it
> continues to work.
> Many thanks to GitHub user hfmanson, whose pull request was essential for
> getting the Linux build back on track and making the Raspberry Pi build
> possible.  And of course thanks to Paul Guyot for making the whole thing in
> the first place.  :)
> Steven
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