[NTLK] Newton "Movie Converter 2013" experience…

Sylvain Pilet pilets at mac.com
Mon May 1 19:48:28 EDT 2017

Hello all,

Who tested and used the application "Movie Converter 2013"?
I tried to convert some videos, but I can not convert video properly. This crashes on my Powerbook as soon as the conversion exceeds 4k to 6k frames. This corresponds to only a few seconds (less than 10 seconds).

I tried to save the videos (before converting to Movie Converter) in several different formats from QuickTimePro, but that does not seem to make the task easier for Movie Converter. I even modified the size of the videos to have a native format of Newton, but that also does not work.

Someone to a (good) experience with Movie converter 2013?

Movie Converter 2013 is available on Unna.org at this address for those who want to try:
This app only works on MacOS (8/9)…

Sylvain Pilet

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