[NTLK] wifi connection of my Newton MP2000 and my Macbook Air under Sierra

Dennis Swaney romad at mac.com
Wed May 10 16:41:55 EDT 2017

Rufus, I used Google Translate to get it into English:

Newton and Macbook Air Wifi Connection by NCX (Newton connection)
May 8, 2017 sartoo Leave a comment

Playing with a vintage ecosystem is nice but it is not always very
practical (especially when its PowerBook G3 is without battery and without
wifi it is a lot of cables to plug and unplug to install a package). And
then safeguarding the digital heritage is easier to achieve if it fits into
today's technology.

My prerequisite:

    An AirPort Extreme A1034 (or other terminal that does not allow the
broadcast of a wifi without key WEP)
    The NCX software to install on a Macbook Air available here:
    A computer with a serial or IrDA port to install the necessary packages

 Tutorial :

First of all you have to configure the AirPort Extreme A1034 terminal. The
problem is that this one is not recognized by my AirPort software of MacOS
Sierra. 2 solutions are then possible:
- Use an old mac with Airport (I have unfortunately not with the Airport)
- Use this super solution of Zyniker Computer Services (there is not
mentioned compatibility with MacOS Sierra but in fact it is):
https://zcs.zyniker.org/airport-utility-v5-6-1 /

Once downloaded, you can now configure your terminal.
For this test, I simply renamed the SSID and removed the WEP protection,
source of many problems with our little Newton.


Now I will connect my Macbook Air to the Airport terminal

In phase 2, as long as we are on the Macbook Air we will take care of the
installation of Newton Connection (NCX).

Once installed just launch the application and it waits for your Newton (it
can not be simpler)


The best for the end, the configuration of the Newton!

I read blogs full with solutions that seemed to work at home but
unfortunately not at home. Then I give you my solution hoping that it works
at home.

Before inserting the Dell TrueMobile 1150 Wifi card into the Newton, I
install the following packages in IrDA (attach link to the article) and in
this order (it would seem to be important)


1 - The patch of the year 2010. You have certainly already installed it and
it is not essential on this subject but as it was part of my installation
procedure I left it.

2 - Newton Internet Enable, the heart of the subject! Install the packages
as shown in the screenshot.

3 - Lucent WaveLAN, the driver of the Wifi card but not only of this one:

4 - TCP Dock that allows to add the functionality of a TCP connection via
the Dock (package supplied with NCX)


Then to start the configuration, just insert the wifi card. Indeed, it is
detected automatically
At this time we will define the settings of the card in my case simply the

Next we turn to Newton Internet Enabler:
This is where you set the network configuration. Personally, following many
opinions in this direction, I contented myself with a manual configuration
(no DHCP).

Finally, just start the connection through the dock on TCP, indicate the IP
address of the Macbook Air and there miracle!


With NCX, we think a little with its iPhone and iTunes, we get info on its
Newton, we can install packages, backup / restore and even use the keyboard
of the Macbook or make screenshots:


A modern version of NCU on older Mac OS:


And here is all the detail in video:

Dennis B. Swaney

"I think, therefore I Mac"

2017-05-10 13:08 GMT-07:00 Rufus Kohn <rufuskohn at gmail.com>:

> Good job, thank you
> Sorry I cannot translate
> Rufus Kohn
> rufuskohn at gmail.com
> > Op 10 mei 2017, om 21:53 heeft Cédric SARTOUT <cedric at sartoo.fr> het
> volgende geschreven:
> >
> > Wtw-V3CgKXs <https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=Wtw-V3CgKXs>>
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