[NTLK] Why are pen alignments needed?

Andrei Chichak newton at chichak.ca
Sat Dec 8 19:41:05 EST 2018

Um, no. The newton doesn’t have any ability to detect how you hold your stylus any more than it can tell how you hold your tongue. Its only working on the information that comes from detecting distortion of the digitizer.

When rotating the screen, the digitizer doesn’t change. If you change your hand position and press on the bezel in a different fashion, the digitizer is just going to pick that up as a resistance. 

The digitizer can’t pick up stylus position. It just senses the resistance changes of two metalized sheets of plastic and the software makes it look like it’s working.

The hand writing recognition system is a couple of levels up from this. If you put down your stylus on the digitizer, and the dot that is drawn on the LCD isn’t under it, that’s an issue. If you move the stylus around on the digitizer and the dot wanders, that’s a different problem. But the hand writing recognition system isn’t even being used yet.


> On 2018-December-05, at 11:56, B Dudney <kosmicdollop at saber.net> wrote:
> The true techies on this list know more about, but my understanding is the software is somewhat sensitive to how one holds the stylus, plus maybe it couldn’t adjust itself when one changed screen orientation.
> It’s very early HWR system; better than Model T, but not a Ferrari.
> B
> Doug wrote:
>> can someone explain why pen alignments were necessary on the Newton?
> via cable from low-power MacBook lacking wireless devices,
> hence radiating no deadly EMR connectivity: see RadiateNot.Me;
> plus powered by non-radiating coaxial DC cable from utility shed
> where wall wart* EMR is indetectably far away
>                           *standard Apple shielded power supply = less emissions
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