[NTLK] Newt is "fake news?"

L.W. Brown lwb at mac.com
Fri Feb 2 17:26:25 EST 2018

Lucky kid you were!!

-L.W. Brown
via 6s+

> On Feb 2, 2018, at 10:27, Florian Voigt <florian.voigt at me.com> wrote:
> I really don‘t get the problems with the handwriting recognition. Sure, I laughed at the simpsons gag when I first saw it. But at that time I was in 8th grade and somehow managed to get my hands on a used MP120. I replaced all my files (stapler? Really, I don’t know. Whatever the thing is called that you use to take notes during class.) with the Newton. Never had any trouble. It was awesome. That was one hell of a living-the-future moment. 
> Cheers,
> Florian

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