[NTLK] Regarding the internet navigation thing

Jake Bordens jake at allaboutjake.com
Fri Feb 2 17:44:40 EST 2018

While the documents claim that the Newton can go up to 230400, I've found that it really only goes up to 115200.  You can test this by requesting a 230400 baud rate on the Newton, and you should be able to communicate with the host set to 115200.

The N2 docs do outline a a method of going up to 2 megabits per second using a clock signal.  In theory you open the serial port on the newton size with a baud rate of zero and it uses clock signaling.  I never got up the ambition to figure it how/if it works.


On 2/2/18, 1:27 PM, "newtontalk-bounces at newtontalk.net on behalf of Abraham Limpo" <newtontalk-bounces at newtontalk.net on behalf of abraham at familialimpo.net> wrote:

    Hellow fellow newtontalkers!
    I know the idea of browsing websites with the newton is not very appealing
    but I kept thinking about it and finally got my first prototype working.
    Because I don't think I can attach images to the mail, follow the link to
    see the newton companion, prototype 1, in all its "glory" (or it was gory?)
    So far the thing can bridge a PPP conection through the modem and a modern
    Wify at flazing 36k (i think it can go up to 250k but I would need to fix
    the impedance problem with the max3232). The modem so far has been tested
    only on my emate and newton 2k, but should work with any serial equipped
    macintosh that supports PPP.
    Next thing should be implementing some kind of internet "translator" to
    adapt the pages to sizes the newton will understand, and I also want it to
    be able to syncronize packages and do backups, but, hey, it's a start.
    The definitive version will be battery powered and will fit on a case no
    bigger than the old newton modem.
    Cheers and happy Newton year ;)
    PD: Also may poutine be with you

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