[NTLK] Bluetooth compact flash card

"Piotrowski Paweł (Newton)" newton at indigi.co.uk
Fri Sep 21 15:16:06 EDT 2018

Hi Aaron,

I’ve never tried Ambicom card but PICO card working fine with Newton: https://www.ebay.de/itm/Pico-Card-Bluetooth-PCMCIA-Karte-Adapter-fur-Notebook-fur-Steuerung-und-Technik/191936580562?hash=item2cb04fcbd2:g:f78AAOSwq7JT3piS <https://www.ebay.de/itm/Pico-Card-Bluetooth-PCMCIA-Karte-Adapter-fur-Notebook-fur-Steuerung-und-Technik/191936580562?hash=item2cb04fcbd2:g:f78AAOSwq7JT3piS>

> On 21 Sep 2018, at 14:54, Aaron H <online at atomiciguana.com> wrote:
> I'm digging into Blunt, and there's a note about the Ambicom CF card: "Note: It seems there are two revisions of this card, and only revision A is working at the moment.''
> I'm just looking for a compatible card on ebay, does anyone know how to tell which revision of the card is which? 
> Aaron.
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Best regards,
Pawel Piotrowski

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