[NTLK] How do you reset the password on a Newton?

Andrei Chichak newton at chichak.ca
Tue Sep 25 01:46:47 EDT 2018

After thinking deeply, I remembered Battering Ram. I’ve got the UNNA archive. One thing I don’t have is a system that I can use to update a newton.

I’ll have to work on that.

In the mean time, I’ve done a wipe. Bummer. Though I should have a backup somewhere, somehow.

Thanks for the mind jog.


> On 2018-September-24, at 23:42, Dan <dan at dbdigitalweb.com> wrote:
> There is a package called battering ram if I recall correctly.  You have to put that on a card then insert it into the newton and (I think) do a soft-reset/reboot.  It should be in the UNNA archives, if not I have a copy somewhere.
> -Dan
> On 9/25/2018 12:19 AM, Andrei Chichak wrote:
>> I picked up my 2100 so I can take a couple of photos for something special and - I have zero idea what my password is. I didn’t even remember that you could put a password on a Newton.
>> Is there any clever way to extract it, or reset it, or am I just going to have to do a hard reset?
>> A
>> (sigh)
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