[NTLK] Jump to the latest notes

Sylvain Pilet sylvain at pilet.net
Wed Apr 10 17:34:05 EDT 2019

Use the Find function of the Newton !
Open NotePad then now simply search  (the magnifying glass icon) in  NotePad for notes dating after a date 
[] Look for : dates after (select your date search…)
Et voilà !

see sample: http://message-pad.net/Medias-publiques/FindNotesByDate.png

Sylvain Pilet

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> Le 10 avr. 2019 à 22:41, Mark Kuberski <berskyboy at gmail.com> a écrit :
> I have around 400+ notes now, because I've been using my Newton again daily
> for about 8 months.  Does anyone know how to JUMP to the end of the notes,
> like the latest notes, AFTER you have found an old note and made
> reference.  It's a bit painful to have to scroll through all my notes to
> get there.
> thanks,
> Mark
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