[NTLK] Love Notes to Newton
Martin Ossio
martinossio at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 10 18:05:49 EDT 2019
Dear Sylvain,
I have written to Woz, suggesting him to go, and I truly wish he will.
To be totally honest, actually I met him there, in the Computer History Museum, in a Twitter’s CEO Square talk.
(https://tinyurl.com/wozphoto1 <https://tinyurl.com/wozphoto1> you can see in the photo by looking beneath his name, we was actually there).
He gave me there his Titanium card (got the easy to read version of it! (https://tinyurl.com/wozphoto2 <https://tinyurl.com/wozphoto2>), as a support to my recreation attempt of HyperCard for today standards.
Since my project would make apps for iOS, Android and Web, I now that have relaunched my Newton heart, it will now have to include Newton friendly webs.
Woz is a fellow of the Museum, so I really hope he will there for that reason also.
I will be there last days of September for a tech meeting in Berkley, and will miss the screening next Friday.
All the luck in helping re-starting the Newton Love for new people!
Martin :)
> On Apr 10, 2019, at 3:34 PM, Sylvain Pilet <sylvain at pilet.net> wrote:
> Wow, it would be great if Steve Wozniak came to see your movie Naoh! You could even do an interview and add it to the documentary!
> Thank you Martin, if you can convince Steve, it would be an honor for Noah I think! :-)
> Sylvain Pilet
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>> Le 10 avr. 2019 à 22:27, Martin Ossio <martinossio at yahoo.com> a écrit :
>> Hi Noah!
>> Has Steve Wozniak been invited? He tends to like all good futuristic things :)
>> If not, please let me know to send him a link.
>> Thanks!
>> Martin ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> http://kingcode.io/
>> On Wednesday, April 10, 2019, 1:54:56 PM GMT-5, Noah Leon <noah at moosefuel.media> wrote:
>> Thanks Sylvain for the kind thoughts.
>> If anyone knows anyone in California who would like to go to the screening,
>> there are still tickets left!
>> https://www.computerhistory.org/events/upcoming/#love-notes-newton-screening
>> I've been so busy with work I haven't promoted it as much as I should have,
>> so any help if you know anyone on the original Newton team or people who
>> would enjoy it, please let them know!
>> noah
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