[NTLK] Linking on Newton

Dan dan at dbdigitalweb.com
Sat Apr 13 13:52:16 EDT 2019

Yes Scott Silverman still sells it last I heard (if he don't for some reason let us know).  It is not on his website any more so you need to message him directly at info at silverwaresoftware.com  He uses Paypal for most of his payment system, but if that doesn't work you might be able to work something else out.  Last I knew it was $50 for list members, but it is something you would have to confirm from him as well.


On 4/13/2019 12:25 PM, Friedrich Sacher wrote:
> Thank you for your response!
> I‘ve installed HyperNewt and MoreInfo now and the amount of functionality being added to the OS now is absolutely amazing. It makes such a great machine even better.
> But MoreInfo tells me to register/buy the software. Is this still possible (especially when living in germany like me)? I will just try it and send an email to the displayed adress.
> -F.

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