[NTLK] Passwords out of use programs

Andrei Chichak newton at chichak.ca
Thu Feb 14 13:38:25 EST 2019

As much as I love to be the voice of doom, this conversation cannot go anywhere.

As discussed previously on this list, there is no such thing as abandonware when it comes to copyright.

Funding by people like Disney have arranged copyright to be extended to about 75 years after the death of the author and they are pushing to make this time perpetual. If you don’t feel that this is fair, go talk to your american government representative. Perhaps if you gave them as much money as Disney does, you can get copyright repealed or abandonware ensconced in american law.

Software IS covered by copyright, and it is not up to the customer to determine if software has fallen into the public domain. It is up to the author. 


> On 2019-February-14, at 11:07 AM, Dennis Swaney <romad at nvwisp.com> wrote:
> IF "the companies do not exist, email addresses do not work, there is no
> way to contact software developers in any way" then, just as physical
> property, it is considered as abandoned property and is free for the
> finders do with as they wish. Ethically, they should not try to make a
> profit of course but fixing abandoned property so it is usable by the
> finder or others would be fine.
> Sincerely,
> Dennis B. Swaney
> "Cogito Ergo Mac"
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 1:38 AM "Piotrowski Paweł (Newton)" <
> newton at indigi.co.uk> wrote:
>>> On 13 Feb 2019, at 22:18, Rufus Kohn <rufuskohn at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> There are many Newton software packages that are password protected but
>> not for sale any more. Companies went out of business or abandoned the
>> software.
>>> Has anybody got an idea how to use such software in a morally or even
>> legalkycorrect way
>> Hi Rufus,
>> This is very good question.
>> From a moral point of view, it would be best to pay for the software, but
>> very often it is not possible because the companies do not exist, email
>> addresses do not work, there is no way to contact software developers in
>> any way. In this case, the only way is hacking. But then it interferes with
>> moral issues. In addition, it is not always possible. I see no other way
>> than trying to contact with developers or hack the program.
>> Any other options?
>> Best regards,
>> Pawel Piotrowski
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