[NTLK] Connecting to Win 10

Tere tjggriffin1 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 16 19:06:20 EST 2019

Update: I found a nice app for undervolting/underclocking, called
ThrottleStop. I underclocked it down to 25%. As entertaining to navigate a
PC at that clock rate, there was no effect on NCU.

On Sat, Feb 16, 2019 at 5:53 PM Tere <tjggriffin1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Dan. I'll try a VM. I'm pretty sure I've got so Win98 disks around
> here. I don't think I have Win2000.
> Another this about the PIN. When pull it out a couple of weeks ago, I set
> a 10 digit PIN. After trying a bunch of PINs on the Newton, I discovered it
> was much faster to enter the old PINs into the Password setting in NCU. It
> was then that I notice NCU would only take up to 8 characters. I can enter
> more than that on the Newton side. I didn't test to see what the max length
> is on the Newton. That may be causing a match failure even if I'm entering
> the right PIN. Something like NCU only reads the fist 8 chars the Newton
> sends, and compares it to the full PIN. If it's the GUI the restricts the
> number of chars, it may accept the full 10 digits via the Save Password
> setting in Dock.
> I saw reference to slowdown, but couldn't find a copy. I email Elise
> Basse, who made NCUWin710, and he volunteered to send me a copy. I'm not
> sure it will help resolve this issue, but it might. In the meantime, I'll
> try a VM.
> Thanks!
> - Tere


- Tere

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