[NTLK] UNNA status update 2019-03-30

Morgan Aldridge morgant at makkintosshu.com
Sat Mar 30 13:49:01 EDT 2019

Hey all,

In my spare time, I've been continuing to surgically separate the
monolithic Subversion repository into separate Git repos. I discovered a
bad commit in the original repo that has meant I haven't been able to
preserve tags, despite my best efforts and a fair amount of wasted time,
but those are not particularly necessary.

I have been busy with work and such the last week and so things have been
on hold. When I pick up where I left off, I'll be splitting the
mirrors.unna.org data out of the repo. I'm leaning toward making a separate
repo for every site.

Lastly, I've been ruminating on setting up a host for the git repos and the
main UNNA site. Having mapped out what software and services make up UNNA,
it needs to be more than just a shared hosting configuration, so really
needs to be a virtual machine. I can probably toss one together on my
server, but would have to run SSH for git repos on non-standard ports. For
that reason and easier shared management, I'd prefer a cloud VM, but don't
currently have the cash flow for that (at least not for more than a few
months with current UNNA funds). I'll figure all that out once the repos
are done being split up.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


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