[NTLK] LCD LED Back-light Panel

web at kobier.id.au web at kobier.id.au
Thu May 9 07:35:28 EDT 2019

Hi Igor,

I had contemplated doing it to my 130 for the very same reasons but decided against it in the end as the EL panel is a very thin sheet under the LCD and the light emits from its face. I couldn’t see how I would fit an array of LEDs with a suitable diffuser in the same space. It would have effectively made the display panel much thicker.

The other option I thought about was using a fiberoptic panel like this https://www.ebay.com/itm/Medfusion-3500-Syringe-Pump-Fiber-Optic-Dual-LED-Backlight/183780952648?hash=item2aca32ca48:g:0W0AAOSwyhVcuj8j <https://www.ebay.com/itm/Medfusion-3500-Syringe-Pump-Fiber-Optic-Dual-LED-Backlight/183780952648?hash=item2aca32ca48:g:0W0AAOSwyhVcuj8j>

I have been led to believe they can be as thin as the EL panel. https://www.lumitex.com/fiber-optic-panels <https://www.lumitex.com/fiber-optic-panels> might be able to provide a sample to try it out.



> On 9 May 2019, at 12:08, Igor Bertolucci <igorbertolucci at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Has anyone ever tried fitting an LCD LED back-light panel in place of the
> electroluminescent EL panel on a Messagepad 2x00? I am researching the
> possibility of doing this for my Shrinking Newt project. LED panels use 5V
> so the inverter would not be necessary and there would not be that constant
> whiny buzzing sound with the back-light on. With all the different sized
> phone screens today I would think we could find one that would fit pretty
> nicely.
> Let me know if anyone has ever researched this and if they have any info on
> it. Thanks.
> Cheers,
> Igor
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