[NTLK] Backing up Flash (Newton session) on Einstein?

Mark Kuberski berskyboy at gmail.com
Sat May 18 18:58:04 EDT 2019


I have been using my iPad mini with Einstein with GREAT success; so much so, I want to be able to:

Backing up the “Flash” (Newton session) on Einstein?

I know you can copy the “flash” file from the iTunes session. But I was wondering is there was way to share it ”without” using iTunes? So for the case you may have to restore?

I thought of maybe writing an app (if possible) on the iPad to get the flash file (if apple would allow that exposure of anther app).  

OR  is there a way to use a connected USB to act like an iTunes to file share?  

OR can The Einstein App include such a backup feature?

I would love anyone’s input!


PS, love live Apple Newton MessagePad even tho it finds its life on y iPad!

Sent from my iPad

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