[NTLK] Use a Raspberry Pi to connect the Newton to the Internet

Sylvain Pilet sylvain at pilet.net
Mon Apr 13 06:20:55 EDT 2020


Let's imagine that you connect your Newton directly to your network via Ethernet without going through the Rapsberry, you take so long to retrieve the emails?
I find it very long, the emails in the NewtonTalk list only contain text… 

Sylvain Pilet

http://messagepad.no-ip.org:3680 [NPDS Tracker]

> Le 13 avr. 2020 à 12:11, Christoph Schröder <newtonhonk at posteo.de> a écrit :
> Hi Sylvain,
> Well it took the eMate 9 minutes. I use Mail V. This there a faster way? I will try it with my 2100. maybe it‘s faster.
> Cheers Christoph
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