[NTLK] Worldwide Online Newton Conference 2020

Forrest newton_phoenix at mindspring.com
Wed Apr 15 16:22:19 EDT 2020

Yes please Cedric you and Sylvain MUST be a part of this project, your information is too valuable not to share, language barriers aside.

Excuse my ignorance on this, but is there something similar to Closed Captioning on video conferencing that would translate for us?


Sent from my T-Mobile iPhone 11

> On Apr 15, 2020, at 10:06 AM, Noah Leon <moosefuel at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I follow a litle the list because my English is not good enough 
>> to follow and react to all posts. But good idea this conference with zoom! 
>> and even if i think i won't be able to follow everything 
>> i would be very very happy to be connected with the Newton family
> Hi Cedric, 
> I was talking with Pawel and we thought it would be great if you or Sylvain would do a presentation in French, if you submitted your talk ahead of time I could (with the help of my wife) translate it to English and present the translation simultaneously so us anglophones could understand. If you are interested please let us know. 
> Salut Cédric, 
> J’ai parlé avec Pawel, et il suggère que peut être toi ou Sylvain veut faire un presentation sur un sujet Newton en français. Si tu soumettre le texte en avance, je peut le traduire (avec l’aide de ma femme :-)) en anglais pour les anglophones, si tu est intéressé, tu peut nous contacter.
> Noah
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