[NTLK] [ANN] mbedTLS 2.16.6 for NewtonOS

Morgan Aldridge morgant at makkintosshu.com
Sun Jun 14 11:48:36 EDT 2020

On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 5:44 AM Paul Guyot <pguyot at kallisys.net> wrote:
> I am pleased to announce a port of mbedTLS 2.16.6 for NewtonOS.
> This library allows SSL connections and comes with a quick and dirty patch that allows IMAPS connections with Mail V.

This is very impressive! This is something I had looked at in the
past, specifically with mbedTLS, but never would have been able to
build the required toolchain that you did to make it happen. Thank you
very, very much!

> For the history of this port which originates from Pawel and Noah's Worldwide Online Newton Conference, I have just published a LinkedIn pulse article:
> https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/diving-retro-computing-paul-guyot/

Thank you for this overview, as well!


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