[NTLK] Newton in the Movies!

Dennis Swaney romad at nvwisp.com
Sat Jun 27 16:35:26 EDT 2020

At 11:09, when he checks his watch, he has the Newton in his left hand.

Dennis B. Swaney

"Cogito Ergo Mac"

On Sat, Jun 27, 2020 at 11:36 AM Dan <dan at dbdigitalweb.com> wrote:

> For those that want to see the Newton in "Angles in the Outfield" check
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=134-WIlvXXo  and at 11:36 minutes in he
> pulls out the Newton.  The "beep" you hear is inaccurate but it is what he
> is using.  There is another scene with the guy setting up the photo with
> the kid at 26:37 and there are several shots.  At 26:55 you can clearly see
> it is a Newton.  It might even be a OMP.  The front of the case looks a
> little more rounded than a 100.
> -Dan

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