[NTLK] Launching Einstein

Doug ispinn at gmail.com
Sat Mar 21 13:45:41 EDT 2020

I feel lost.

I'm stepping through the instructions you wrote a few days ago about
stir-craziness prevention and the "Hello world," first time NewtScript
programming example. When you say, "Launch Einstein" and I'm on
BasiliskII... what do you mean?

Do you mean, "Find the .apk and double click it?" That's where I feel lost.

So, taking a stab in the dark, I double-clicked Einstein's .apk on
BasiliskII but got a "supporting program not found" error, so that wasn't
it, but now I've run out of (my huge accumulation of zero to one) guesses.

Also, if it's on different platforms, is *launching Einstein" always the
same, regardless of the platform and OS?

Do the ROM and REX files have to be present in BasiliskII like they are
when Einstein is installed on Android, with Einstein in a folder named
"Downloads" folder and the ROM and REX files in a folder named "Einstein"
underneath the .apk?

No need to rush. I think we're still under virus-house-quarantine for about
another twenty-six more days. :-P


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