[NTLK] Error number -48409

Dan dan at dbdigitalweb.com
Tue Sep 1 02:05:30 EDT 2020

Welcome :)  Though I had hoped the tool would remove the data that is causing issues.  But if MoreInfo does work fine, it sounds like extra data lines in the soup are giving you problems but moreinfo displays them.  Do you use any other 3rd party Names utilities?  Some like Action Names make so many changes that you can't go back to the normal Names app.  But there is a feature in Action Names to remove and "convert" the soup back so the default Names app can use it.  If you use another utility, perhaps there is such a feature in it.

Regardless if MoreInfo can read them fine, it isn't too bad.  Moreinfo does a better job anyway.  Also if it was corruption, I would suspect SBM would have fixed it.  Further indicating the problem is extra lines in the soup that is causing the default Names app to have issues with it.

I know there is a names fixer for this type of problem, I will dig around in my archives and see if I can find it.


On 8/31/2020 4:33 AM, canale grande wrote:
> Hi Dan
> and thanks a lot for your quick and friendly support! You’re right, i 
> remembered the SBM utilities, too.
> I followed the instructions, but unfortunately without success so far.
> The strange thing is: Third party tools like MoreInfo just working fine 
> with the cards contents itself
> (including reading, editing and creating new cards). My last hope is the 
> soup editor i’m testing now …
> Best regards
> Jan

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