NTLK PPP link to Newton from my linux box

From: dunay (jdunay@mprtech.com)
Date: Wed Nov 24 1999 - 23:14:20 EST

I finally got my newt 2100 on the Internet without an ethernet card. Heres how:

Most info here is Shamelessly taken from

1. set up PPP on the linux box:

     # This shell script starts the PPP daemon to connect an Apple Newton MP to a
     # Linux workstation.
     # Linux-System-IP :
     # Newton-IP :
     # Serial device : /dev/ttyS0
     # Serial speed : 115200
     /usr/sbin/pppd -detach local lock proxyarp /dev/ttyS0 115200

try running the command:
/usr/sbin/pppd -detach local lock proxyarp /dev/ttyS0 115200
at a shell prompt, If your root this should try to start PPP. If this works you can copy
the above info to a file and place it in a bin directory so you can run it without typing
the command, I run the command "newtppp"

2. Install NIE on your Newton, then start the Internet Setup Utility
and create a new connect script using Generic Setup :

     Setup Name : My Linux system
     Protocol : PPP
     Configuration : Manual
     User ID : Your user ID
     When closing : disconnect never
     Local IP Address :
     Gateway/Router Address :
     Primary DNS/Name Server Address : #put a valid DNS server here
     Domain Name : Your domain name #NOT NEEDED
     Advanced Setting : Serial, 115200-None-1, Hardware Flow Control

Remember : Your Linux system IP from the Newton is now !

Now the next trick is to get IP forwarding working:
enter the following command at a shell prompt:
echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
and/or on Red Hat change the line FORWARD_IPV4=no in /etc/sysconfig/network

Now my linux box is on an ethernet attached to the Internet through a Mac as his default
gateway. So the newt sends his IP requests to the linux box, the linux box forwards it to
the default gateway (the MAC), the mac is dialed in to the ISP and forwards the IP request
to the Internet.

This should work without much hassle If just my linux box was dialed in to the Internet
as well.

I set this up in order to make newt books of documentation from the WEB using Newtscape.
So I suck them to my linux box using Pavuk, wget is another web sucker. and download to
the newt and turn them into a package with newtscape.

One wicked handheld, definitely not a PDA.
.John M Dunay
.MPR Technologies, Inc

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