Re: NTLK 2nd try: Wave to Newton Sound Soup???

Date: Thu Nov 25 1999 - 11:18:28 EST

Michael Jones <> wrote:

>>I was just wondering how one could convert a Windows Wave file to a
>>sound Soup usable by the Newton...
>>How can this be established? Via NTK?

>Most of the people who do this kind of thing don't use WinDOS machines to do it.

I've always used SoX (ports on most platforms) to convert Mac/PC sound files. I don't know if it does Newton sound files though.


> Macs were designed from the ground up to be graphical/multimedia machines.

'Now that's funny' he chuckled to himself sat in front of his mono 9" B&W screened Mac with non-realtime OS. ;-)

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