> They take up 3-5MB (normally just 3MB) with low compression
3-5MB "EACH", so you could have 3 - 5 songs on a 16MB card (with absolutely nothing else on it)
> It shows there is still support for the Newton out there ....
Support goes two ways -
- Support from the developers, by creating products for Newton
- Support from the users, by buying products for Newton
.> Other values of MP3s:
Once again, you have confused the issue of the value of MP3's with the value of being able to store very large MP3 files on a handheld computer. I think the MP3 format (or something very similar to it) will eventually replace audio CD's. You can store 15 songs on a CD in audio format and 200 or so songs on a recordable CD in MP3 format. All of your favorite songs on the same CD!
>From the eMate of Michael Jones
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