On 11/30/99 10:16 PM, Doug Knowles [mailto:dknowles@mediaone.net] wrote:
>Hi, all,
>Two questions:
>1) Sometime after upgrading my PowerMac to OS 8.5 and 8.6, I can't use
>NCU to back up my eMate via serial cable. Initially, NCU complained
>that the Communications Toolbox was missing (I thought this was merged
>into the OS?);
The Comm Toolbox is, but the Connection, File Transfer and Terminal tools
are not...nor would you want them to be. They are individual icons in
the Extensions folder.
It was almost certainly looking for a Comm Toolbox TOOL, not the Comm
Toolbox itself. You'd need the Serial Tool or (for AppleTalk NCU use)
the AppleTalk ADSP Tool.
>after re-installing what I thought was the current
>version of NCU, attempts to synch up fail with a message on the eMate
>that I can't synch to that version of the software. Ring any bells?
Nope, sorry. Are you sure you have Newton Connection UTILITIES 1.0,
*not* Newton Connection KIT 1.0 or 2.0? You must be using UTILITIES, not
KIT on an eMate.
>2) Any recommendations for an ethernet PC care for the eMate? (Maybe I
>can get eMate/Mac communications working through this medium?)
You'll still need the AppleTalk ADSL Tool in your Extensions folder; if
you Serial Tool was missing then I'll bet the ADSL one is too.... ;-)
The easiest to get this working on a MessagePad 2K or Emate 300 (the only
models Ethernet is supported on) is the Farallon card they sold for the
Newton. I don't think Farallon makes or sells them anymore, but there
are still some new ones floating around and a fellow down in Texas is
making a special deal on those cards available to Info-Newt readers (for
each card sold he'll make a contribution to us towards our buying an
uninterruptable power supply for the Info-Newt server). See the
Info-Newt site (www.info-newt.com) for details on how to contact him, but
CHECK WITH HIM to be sure he still has some; he had only 15 left a couple
of weeks ago and they may be gone by now. I've got a message out to him
to find out if he has any left. They are sold first come, first served.
You could also check eBay or other auction sites for the card. Or
perhaps NewtonOz.
If that fails, there are other cards that will work, with a bit of extra
effort. Victor Rehorst's has put together an excellent page on it.
Search Info-Newt for Rehorst and you should find a link to his Newton
Resources site which has the info. Also search Info-Newt for
"ethernet" to find info on other drivers that are available.
And of course, check the FAQ for the Newton Community, a copy of which is
hosted at
- Bill
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